Charakteristika: muzikolog
Datum narození/zahájení aktivity:2.8.1951
Beckerman, Michael, muzikolog, 2. 8. 1951, Hempstead, New York (USA).
Americký muzikolog, přední světový odborník na českou hudbu, autor mnoha odborných publikací, knih, studií a analýz, týkajících se zejména Antonína Dvořáka, Leoše Janáčka, Bohuslava Martinů, Gideona Kleina a Pavla Haase i Jaroslava Ježka. Nejprve studoval v letech 1969–73 na Hofstra University, kde získal titul bakalář umění a pak na Columbijské univerzitě (1974–82); nejprve se stal v roce 1976 magistrem umění, o dva roky později magistrem filozofie a v roce 1982 dokončil disertaci Janáček´s Theorethical Works: An Exploration a získal titul doktor filozofie. Pak působil na univerzitách ve Washingtonu (1982–89), v Chicagu (1990), v kalifornské Santa Barbaře (1992–2003). Od roku 2003 je profesorem hudební vědy a vedoucím hudebního oddělení na newyorské univerzitě. V letech 2010–12 byl víceprezidentem americké muzikologické společnosti. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci mu udělila v roce 2014 čestný titul „doktor honoris causa“. Beckerman rovněž spolupracuje s rozhlasem a televizí, je hostujícím profesorem, organizuje a účastní se prestižních vědeckých konferencí a seminářů.
I. Dílo knižní
Dvořák and His World, ed (Princeton University Press, 1993).
Janáček the Theorist (Pendragon Press, 1994).
Janáček and Czech Music, ed. Michael Beckerman and Glen Bauer (Pendragon Press, 1995).
New Worlds of Dvořák (W.W. Norton. 2003).
Janáček and His World, ed. (Princeton University Press, 2003).
Martinů's Mysterious Accident, ed. (Pendragon Press, 2007).
II. Studie a stati (výběr)
Janáček and The Herbartians (The Musical Quarterly, 1983, No.3).
Janáček's Notation Revisited (Notes, 1984, No.2).
In Search of Czechness in Music (19th Century Music, 1986, No.1).
Dvořák and Brahms: The Question of Influence (The Brahms Society Newsletter, 1986, No.2).
Jak mi zní česká hudba /The Sound of Czech Music/ (Opus Musicum, 1986, č. 10).
Vyznam hudby v Amadeovi: Studie protikladů /The Significance of Music in Amadeus: Study in Contradiction/, (Opus Musicum, 1987, č. 3).
The Offstage Chorus in Janáček's Works (Czech Music in Texas, Texas A&M University, 1987).
Pleasures and Woes: The Vixen's Wedding (Opus Musicum, 1988, č. 9).
Janáček's Last Twelve Years (in: Kosnas, 1989).
Multicultural Puns and the Spalicek Aesthetic in Martinů's La Revue de Cuisine (Cahier 11, 1990).
Leoš Janáček and The Late Style (in: Music The Gerontologist, 1990).
Changes Along the Overgrown Path: Janáček Contra Smetana? (Czechoslovak and Central European Journal, 1992).
Dvořák's New World Largo and The Song of Hiawatha (19th Century Music, 1992).
Henry Krehbiel, Antonín Dvořák, and the Symphony From the New World (Notes, 1992).
Dvořák and His World (New Jersey:Princeton, 1993, s. 150).
Dvořák and His World (New Jersey:Princeton, 1993, s. 145).
Dvořák and His World (New Jersey:Princeton, 1993, Botstein L. s. 20).
On the Real Value of Yellow Journalism: James Creelman and Antonín Dvořák (The Musical Quarterly,1993, /Also published in Czech Music, No. 2, 1994/).
Dvořák's Pentatonic Landscape (in: Rethinking Dvořák, Oxford University Press, 1996).
Kundera's Joke and Moravian Folk Music 1948 (in: Retuning Culture, Duke University Press, 1996).
The Symphonies of Antonín Dvořák (in: The Nineteenth Century Symphony, Schirmer Books, 1996).
Does it Pay to Study Music? (in: The Musical Quarterly, 1997, /with Diane Paige/).
The Chamber Music of Dvořák and Smetana (in: Schirmer's Nineteenth Century Chamber Music, 1998).
Brahms, Birdshit and History (Festschrift for Jiří Fukač. Olomouc University, 1998).
Brahms' Haydn Variations (in: The Brahms Companion, Princeton University Press, 1999).
Kundera's Eternal Present and Janáček's Ancient Gypsy (in: Janáček Studies, Cambridge University Press, 1999).
Dvořák's American Schubert (in: Studia minora Facultatis philosphicae Universtitatis Brunensis 39, 2000, series H35, Brno, Masaryk University, 2001).
How Long Would Dvořák Have Had to Stay in America to Be Considered an American
Composer? (Slovo, 2004).
Music, Society and The Folk Duet From Janáček's Katya (in: Music and Society in Eastern Europe, 2006).
The Songs of Solomon (Rossi) and the Search for History (in: World of Baroque Music. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006).
Postcard From Prague, Trio from Terezin (Music and Politics, 2008).
The Dark Blue Exile of Jaroslav Ježek (Music and Politics, 2008).
Gideon Klein's Last Concert (Music and Society in Eastern Europe, 2008).
Preface to the Memoirs of Bohumir Fidler (The Dvořák Society, London, 2008).
Encyclopedia articles: Hans Gal, Berthold Goldschmidt, Pavel Haas, Gideon Klein,
Erwin Schulhoff, Jaromir Weinberger, Jaroslav Ježek and Eric Zeisl (Orel Foundation Website, 2009).
The Idyllic Sublime, A Dialogue on Pastoral Style in the the Western (Journal of Film Music, No 2, 2009, /with William Rosar/).
Klein the Janáčkian (in: Musicologica Brunensia Festschrift for Jiří Vysloužil, Brno, 2009). Nettie Quinn's Guide to Nationalism in Music (Music's Intellectual History: Founders Followers and Fads, 2009).
Standing Still and Moving Forward: The Mikado, Haddon Hall and Concepts of Time in
the Savoy Operas. Cambridge Companion to Gilbert and Sullivan (Cambridge University Press, 2009).
How Long is the Coast of Martinů? Continuity of Change: Bohuslav Martinů in Twentieth Century Music History (Bern, Peter Lang, 2010).
Ježek, Zeisl, Améry and The Exile in the Middle (Music and Displacement, Scarecrow
Press, 2010).
What Kind of Historical Document is a Musical Score? (Orel Foundation Website, 2010).
Medea, Melodrama and the Limits of Perception (in: Musicologica Olomucensia 12, 2010).
How Can You Teach What You Don't Know? (Vitalizing Music History. Stuyvesant, NY: Pendragon Press, 2010).
Garlic Soup and Zimmermann's Festschrift (in: Musicologica Brunensis, 2010).
Job, Zeisl, Exile, and the Suffering of the Ordinary (Music and Politics, No.2, 2011).
Editorial (Music and Politics, No.2, 2011).
Middles and Other Strange Landscapes (in: Oxford Handbook of the New Cultural History of Music, Oxford University Press, 2011).
The World According to Roma, in the Cambridge Companion to World Music (Cambridge University Press, 2013).
Terezin as Reverse Potemkin Ruin, in: Inhabited Ruins (Palgrave, 2013).
Haas' Charlatan and the Play of Premonitions (Opera Quarterly, 2013).
Does Music Have a Subject, and If So, Where is It? Reflections on Janacek's Second String Quartet (Harmonia, special issue, 2013).
Die Burg in der Mitte: Janáček, Fanfaren und die Sinfonietta (The Castle in the Middle: Janáček, Fanfares and the Sinfonietta) Muzik Konzepte, 2014.
Oh, the Stories We Tell: Performer-Audience-Disability, Oxford Handbook of Music and Disability Studies (Oxford University Press, 2015).
Slow Dissolves, Full Stops and Interruptions: Terezin, Censorship and the Summer of 1944 (Oxford Handbook on Music and Censorship. Oxford University Press, 2016).
Lullaby: The Story of a Niggun (Music and Politics, 2016, /with Naomi Tadmor/).
Dvořák for the Birds (in: On the Third Hand, Wetters Verlag, 2016).
The Autobiography of Jan Václav Tomášek, Introduction (Pendragon Press, 2017). Performing the Fraught Past (Papers of the OREL Foundation, 2017).
Flowers in the Graveyard, Tombstones in the Garden.Czech Music Around 1900 (Pendragon Press, 2017).
III. Novinové články, recenze v denním tisku (výběr)
Mb [=Michael Beckerman] A Tradition, From Boom to Bust (The New York Times, December 19, 1993).
Mb [=Michael Beckerman] The Tales Overtures Could Tell (The New York Times, September 18, 1994).
Mb [=Michael Beckerman] The Odd Pull of Jeopardy on 62 Flutes (The New York Times, August 21, 1994).
Mb [=Michael Beckerman] Tonality is Dead--Long Live Tonality (The New York Times, July 31, 1994).
Mb [=Michael Beckerman] Capturing the Pounding Pulse of New York City (The New York Times, June 19, 1994).
Mb [=Michael Beckerman] In This Little Opera, of Sorts, the Piano is a Hero, of Sorts (The New York Times, February 20, 1994).
Mb [=Michael Beckerman] Dvořák Loved Pigeons and Trains, Not Ideology (The New York Times, Jan. 23, 1994).
Mb [=Michael Beckerman] Tripping With Mr. Broucek (The New York Times, May 21, 1996).
Mb [=Michael Beckerman] Dvořák Does Disney? If Anything the Opposite (The New York Times, January 7, 1996).
Mb [=Michael Beckerman] High and Low Meet, and Mix With Drink (The New York Times, 2001).
Mb [=Michael Beckerman] Dvořák and the American Soul (The New York Times, 2002).
Mb [=Michael Beckerman] An Experimental Composer on a Good Day (The New York Times, 2003).
Mb [=Michael Beckerman] Czech Music With Nary a Polka to Be Found (The New York Times, 2004).
IV. Překlady (výběr)
On Slavonic Music (by Jiří Vysloužil). In: Hudba slovanských národů / Music of the Slavic Nations/ (Český hudební fond, Brno 1981).
Editorial Principles of the Complete Edition of Janáček's Works (Bärenreiter, Praha 1989).
V. Programy, zprávy, recenze (výběr)
Leoš Janáček--A Life into Art, Smetana Centennial Program, 1984.
Jenufa: From Sadness to Triumph, San Francisco Opera Magazine, Fall 1986.
Themes and Contexts in Dvořák's Devil and Kate, St. Louis Opera Theater Program, 1990.
Dvořák's New World Symphony, Brooklyn Philharmonic Program Book, January 1994.
Dvořák's New World, New England Conservatory Program Book, 1999.
Kundera at 80, 92nd St. Y Program Book, 2009.
Back from the House of the Dead: John Tyrrell's Janáček Biography, JAMS 2011 (with Andrew Burgard).
Music in Terezin, 92nd St. Y, January 2012.
Kátya Kabanová: A Conversation with Michael Beckerman, Boston Lyric Opera, 2015.
Rusalka and the Agony of Love, Bohemian National Hall Program, 2017.
I. Lexika
New Grove2.
Karel Steinmetz – Simona Sedláčková
Datum poslední změny: 27.1.2015